Privacy Policy

We comply with the Privacy law of India and all the actions will be taken within Indian jurisdiction.

Data Collection and Processing:
Organizations would likely need to obtain explicit consent from individuals before collecting and processing their personal data. They might also need to specify the purpose for the data being collected and used.

Data Minimization:
Organizations would be expected to collect only the minimum personal data necessary for the intended purpose and avoid excessive data collection.

Transparency and Notice:
Individuals should be informed about how their data will be used, who will have access to it, and how long it will be retained. This information might be provided through privacy policies or notices.

Data Security:
Organizations would likely be required to implement appropriate security measures to protect the personal data they collect from unauthorized access, disclosure, or breaches.

Data Transfer:
If personal data is transferred to third parties or outside of India, organizations might need to ensure that the receiving parties adhere to similar data protection standards.

Rights of Individuals:
The regulations might grant individuals certain rights over their personal data, such as the right to access their data, rectify inaccuracies, and even request deletion in some cases.

Data Breach Notification:
Organizations might be required to report any data breaches to a regulatory authority and affected individuals within a specified timeframe.

Accountability and Compliance:
Organizations could be required to demonstrate their compliance with privacy regulations and take responsibility for how they handle personal data.

Data Protection Officer:
Larger organizations might be required to appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO) responsible for overseeing data protection activities within the organization.

Cross-Border Data Transfer:
Rules for transferring personal data outside of India might be outlined, including mechanisms for ensuring that data is adequately protected in other jurisdictions.

By visiting the website, you are abiding by the compliance rules and regulations and data privacy laws of India. You also provide consent to use the information provided by you to use this within the organization and its partners/affiliate and another associate to provide better services.