Shop with us and become affiliate

How this works?
You simply need to order/purchase any of the product or services listed on our website. Take the screenshot of the link, product and order details. Share it on once its verified, you can share your referal link of the services you are already using. We will list your referal link on our website so that any of our community member can order from the link and you will earn your rewards. For example, if you are using CRED or OneCard or Zerodha or AngelOne or any other app or services that you can reffer with friends and family and earn, we will list that on our website for a time period and all our community member when use your link, you will get your reward directly from the service provider. If you have nothing to share for now, just share this link Shop with us and become affiliate within any 10 groups, share the details on mentioned email and stand a chance to win a cashback.